Hanahoe and Hanahoe LLP settle retained product of conception case

Hanahoe and Hanahoe LLP, recently acted for a client in a medical negligence claim* where our clients medical practitioners failed to remove the retained productive of conception after she delivered her child. As a result of this medical error our client developed sepsis.  We issue High Court proceeding on our clients behalf, which we settled on very favourable terms.
Luke Hanahoe solicitor, the head of our medical negligence team, has a huge amount of experience in bringing retained product of conception claims. Retained product of conception is placenta and/or fetal tissue that remain in the uterus after the pregnancy ends. If retain products of conception remain in the uterus after the pregnancy ends, it can cause severe infection and even sepsis. However just because you have been left with retained product of conception, does not necessarily mean that there was medical negligence. When considering whether a client has a potential medical negligence claim*, we will look at the size of the retained product and how long it took for the condition to be diagnosed. https://www.hanahoe-solicitors.ie/retained-products-of-conception-medical-negligence-claims/
If you have any questions in relation to retained products of conception claims or indeed an other medical negligence claim* please do not hesitate to contact our office on 045 897784 or at info@hanahoeandhanahoe.com
*In contentious business, a solicitor may not calculate fees or other charges as a percentage or proportion of any award or settlement.