Spinal cord injuries suffered by three people in Ireland a week

Spinal Cord Injuries

Spinal cord injuries suffered by three people in Ireland a week

Research recently publish by Eimear Smith of the Mater Hospital shows that an average of three people a week sustain life-changing spinal cord injuries in Ireland. The research shows the cause of these injuries is either the result of degenerative disease (referred to as non-traumatic injury) or accidents* (referred to as traumatic injuries)

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Traumatic and Non-Traumatic Injuries

By far the most common cause of traumatic injury are accidental falls accounting for 55% of spinal cord injuries with partial paralysis the most common outcome. Road traffic accidents are the crashes are the next most common cause accounting for almost one-in-five traumatic spinal injuries. While accidental sporting injuries for more than one-in-ten. Males account for the majority of traumatic spinal cord injuries, with 72% of people suffering these horrific injuries being men. Non-traumatic injury occurs as a result of degenerative spinal diseases or secondary cancers affecting the spinal cord.

The research also shows that 40% of people who suffer from spinal cord injuries will walk again. However people are able to walk again are more likely to suffer from mental illness and 22% more likely to be living below the poverty line than those in a wheelchair. It also highlights the disgraceful situation currently pertaining in Ireland were people who sustain spinal cord injuries are not automatically entitled to a medical card


Spinal Injury Ireland’s Strategic Plan

The research underpins a new strategic plan for Spinal Injuries Ireland to provide one-to-one support to people with such horrific injuries. However Spinal Injuries Ireland’s resources are already under  huge pressure and this research indicates that the number of people using their services will increase from 2100 to 3600 by 2023. With Spinal Injuries Ireland only receiving 40% of their operational funding from the state this would mean they would need to increase their annual fundraising form €600,000 to €1.4 million.

Contact Us

Given the serious and life altering consequence of spinal cord injuries you should seek the advice of a  solicitor if you are a loved one has suffered in such traumatic accident. For further information in relation to spinal cord injuries or speak to one of our expert personal injury* solicitors, please do not hesitate to contact Hanahoe and Hanahoe solicitors on 045 897784 (Naas Office) or on  015255637 (Dublin office) or at info@hanahoeandhanahoe.com or on Facebook

This article is merely for information purposes and is not and should not be taken as legal advice. If you have any queries in relation to this or any other aspect of personal injury* you should consult with a solicitor who specialises in personal injury law*. No solicitor/client relationship or duty of care or liability of any nature exists between Hanahoe and Hanahoe solicitors and you, until you receive written confirmation that we are acting as solicitors on your behalf

*In contentious business a solicitor may not calculate fees or other charges as a percentage or proportion of any award or settlement.